Suggested people you can follow on Social Media.

Tring Astronomy:
A great store, great prices and friendly service.

Stardome Planetarium:
An educational experience not to be missed.

Astrophotography Magazine
For all your Astrophotography tips, advice and friends, Possibly the best Ezine around.

Liverpool Seti:
You can help by visiting, downloading and helping SETI.

Lunt Solar Systems:
Amazing Solar scopes,  great solar views using these.

Charlie Bates Solar Astronomy Project:
The best solar outreach group around from The USA, Australia and many more countries all the UK

For years i had struggled in the winter but now, these gloves are the missing link to doing Astronomy and being warm.

Knowledge Observatory: The Knowledge Observatory, France
An outreach group, run by two amazing people, who love to help educate, now based in france.

Geoff Notkin: and also 

Hayley Parr: AstroJewelHP 

Athena Brensberger aka Astro Athens: AstroAthens YouTube


European Space Ageny:

Go Stargazing: GoStargazing

Yorkshire Astronomy: Yorkshire Astronomy Outreach

Twitter Users:

@Letstalkspace_ ‏ 




@YurisNight ‏ 



@AstroAthens ‏ 






@DavidBflower ‏ 





